Beyond Mankind
this animation explores the dark perception of Artificial intelligence and focusing on the human emotion such as anger. The story behind the short film is the AI is waking up and slowly understanding where it is and understanding it has been left behind and starts to feel angry by being trapped in a room as the humans left it there for a long time.
Historical Impact of Computers
In this project about documentary about the historical impact of computers. The reason I choose this approach is because I want to push my design skills further by challenging myself. As graphic designer who is a tech enthusiast I relay on computers to be able to do my area of work which is moving images and I heavily relays on the best computers to handle heavy animation task, rendering and colour correction.
The Making of a Watch
The project is to gain a understanding of the practices of the surrounding the creative industries and how your own practice relates to it. I was always interested in how brands use motion graphics to promote their product in a cinematic animation. In a response to the area I choose I created a short cinematic animation of a watch through abstract form to show case my understanding about the industry of Motion Graphics.